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The material presented here on Connective Learning has evolved from trial & error during the author's journey into 'ideal learning' with her own children for over ten years. The first phase involved trialling innovative ideas within the state education system, like flexi-schooling and topic-based learning. Sadly, the rigidity of the state educational system in the UK resisted any meaningful change. So in 2019 our family gradually migrated to the freedom of home education, which we've been doing for over five years with great success.


The main aim of Connective Learning is to openly contemplate what 'best pedagogy and curriculum' for 21st century learning looks like...and then perhaps explore how to scale it for use in larger educational settings. Both larger classrooms and individualised settings have their pluses and minuses, just as educational needs vary from family to family or even child to child. There is no 'one size fits all' approach to Learning, so openness to new methods is critical to help children develop the essential skills they will need to navigate the complexity of our rapidly-changing world.


(more details about this journey can be found in the Blog articles HERE)

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